


  • “We have chosen to partner with 7R for our dealer training programs for three basic and compelling reasons: They provide unparalleled professionalism and commitment to excellence.

    They are results driven, and consistently focused on delivering value and robust return on investment. Their automotive knowledge, passion, and analytic skills (both static and dynamic) are unmatched in the industry.

    The 7R team are, in our experience, quite simply the gold standard when it comes to innovative and effective automotive training.”

    Dave Scheinberg,  Managing Partner-Campbell Marketing.
  • “The 7R staff  demonstrated a strong work ethic  and were always the first ones in and the last ones to leave each event day. They had friendly and engaging personalities which were ideally suited for the varied types of attendees.  The team was able to adapt to any unforeseen issues and I would recommend them to anyone.”

    Scott Hanks, Regional Sales & Training Mngr, Toyota
  • “My team and I were extremely pleased with 7R! The staff did several tasks without even asking them to do them nor expected to since my team was used to doing them in the past with previous companies. I am extremely satisfied with my decision to go with 7R after using another company for several years and can tell you that 7R exceeded all of our expectations and look forward to working with you all again soon!”

    Kevin Saylan, Regional Sales & Training Manager,  Toyota
  • “For the last 3 years 7R has handled the route planning, onsite logistics, transportation and quite frankly much more during my management of the Nissan Auto Show drive activations.  They have provided me the stability and confidence that the tour will be run flawlessly and professionally and have exceeded my expectations.”

    Carlos Sanchez, Auto Show Program Producer GPJ/Nissan